Even if you have debt, before you start focusing on accelerating those repayments, you need to first build up an emergency fund.
Financial Advice
Millennials in couples are far more open about discussing their finances with their partners than older generations.
This is the dream for an increasing number of homebuyers, and while it may be difficult, it is not impossible.
Forget retirement and start thinking out of the box! The latest Sanlam Benchmark Surveyon retirement reveals that the average retirement savings balance for a person of the age of 37 is only R90 000, and the average for millennials (people between the ages of 22 and 32) is R40 000.
Your joint mortgage may form part of your partner’s debt review without your consent.
Some common – and ‘not-so-common’ – sense.
Tracking one’s spending is merely an effort to come to terms with how you spend your money and to identify areas for improvement.
Money-saving tips to get your rands and cents to go further.
The increased use of living annuities has brought huge challenges.